The story has emotional impact with certain emotion becoming associated with it. People talk, think and argue about the story. The quotes says, “If a story is in you, it has to come out” and second to live powerfully means recognized that you are making choices every minute of every day. Story can help individual adopt new ideas by aiding them in overcoming personal barrier to change. Stories come and go but some hang around, influencing, inspiring and enlightening. But story can destroy and damage individual. This blog discusses how to tell powerful life stories which helps individuals to adapt new practices or idea.
1) Find a core message
It defines everything you need to build buy-in packaged up in a way that makes intuition and immediate sense to those who read or hear it. Your core message is that you can’t help but share what you’ve been trying repeatedly to share since you were a kid. But a core message alone isn’t enough. Creativity isn’t enough. You also need to develop your craft, the skills and knowledge that enable you to create powerful, high-quality writing. Your c, ore message is the simplest articulation of the fundamental principle that connects how you do what you do with what your audience truly cares. Before sharing how to tell powerful life stories, keep three things in mind and ask yourself:
- Write it conversationally, just like your talk
- Use your imagination
- Create more opportunities to share your message
2) Know your story
You have a story to tell; whether you consider yourself a storyteller or not, you already tell them. You can become a stronger communicator and writer by learning how to write a story. Keep thinking about the readers you want to reach and what they need. You get the idea. Start writing and see if you find something that gets you fired up, gives you a sense of purpose, or makes a difference. It is the key to telling powerful life stories. Your purpose in writing is simply what you are trying to accomplish. There are several different you may be trying to accomplish in your writing. Choose one that best suits the paper you’re working on now: writing to reflect means you are exploring personal ideas to make sense of your experiences
What is the story plot? Essentially, the plot is what happens in the story. More specifically, the plot is the series of events that take place. It is the action of the story that drives the narrative forward. Your story should include these plot elements to keep your reader engaged and interested.
The exposition of a story is the introduction of a story that reveals important background information. It includes the setting and details about the character.
Rising action
Rising action is the interplay of the conflict within the story. Obstacles, struggles, and conflicts push the story forward. Struggles may change, and other conflicts may arise. All lead to the plot’s highest point of drama or tension, known as the climax.
The story’s climax is when the plot’s conflict is resolved. It gives the story direction and meaning as it also plays an important role in telling powerful life stories. Sometimes, the climax is the most suspenseful part of the story.
Falling action
Falling action is everything that takes place immediately after the climax. The falling action aims to bring the story from climax to a resolution. It can clarify the events of the climax, ease any built-up tension, or wrap up loose ends.
The story’s setting is the time, duration, and place an author chooses to write about. The place of a setting can be a real location or a fantasy made-up location. The time of a setting can be the past, present, or future. The setting initiates the main backdrop and mood for a story. It is a particularly important key point in telling powerful life stories as it helps to support the plot and decisions the character makes. Your setting should have ample detail about the period, geographic location, immediate surroundings, time of day, and sensory details.
A character is a human being, animal, creature or thing in a story. Writers use characters to perform action, speak dialogue, and move the story along a plot time. At its core, any story worth telling has at least one charismatic hero, a sinister villain, a plucky upstart, or a troubled soul. Character goals are the objects of a character’s wants or needs and what their actions aim to achieve. Your story’s characters should be compelling. Whether good or evil, you need your reader to invest and care about their journey.
6)Point of view
Point of view is the writer’s way of deciding who is telling the story to whom. Establishing a clear point of view is important because it dictates how your reader interprets characters, events, and other important details. In the first-person point of view, the narrator is a character in the story telling it from their perspective. From the third-person point of view, the narrator is not part of the story, and the characters never acknowledge the narrator’s presence. Less common than first and third is second person point of view.
Conflict is the struggle that the protagonist goes through in a story. It is a sort of argument or fight. It creates tension, launches the plot and envoke the themes. Quite simply, without the conflicts, there is no story. To understand what’s interesting about a story, you only have to keep an eye out for what the characters want and what gets in the way. This conflict is a key component that keeps us interested in a story.
Remember these elements before telling powerful life stories as they outline the stories and major themes. Including these seven elements will give stories direction, structure and a great flow. It is an art that can inspire and connect us all. Stories share our experiences and offer meaning. Our brains look for the story in experiences to make sense of them.